Indulge in authentic fry bread with Native American food blog

Web Log: Put your sourdough aside – Jim Horn’s blog is a hidden gem of the internet

It’s coming to the time of year when our friends across the pond are gearing up for the food fest that is Thanksgiving. The roast turkey and spuds are familiar but sweet potato and marshmallow pie or Jello-O salad seem a little strange.

One Thanksgiving staple that we can all get behind is bread – and not the sugary processed Wonder Bread many of us associate with the States.

Us Irish have become bread sophisticates in the last decade or so but put aside your sourdough starter culture and learn to make some satisfyingly straightforward Native American fry bread for something a little different.

Pumpkin bread

I was delighted to stumble upon native cook Jim Horn’s recipes for Navajo fry bread, Indian fried pumpkin bread and buffalo stew with fry bread crust.


Food blogs like these are the hidden gems of the internet and give more insight into other cultures than glossy “celebrity chefs travel the world” hardbacks.

It’s a chance to cook with corn oil, prickly pear, white sage and other ingredients you might never have used before but it’s probably easier to substitute beef for buffalo.