Apple focused conference to kick off

Designers, developers and entrepreneurs to head for Dublin conference

“Ship Week” includes the Brio and Úll conferences, covering the development and design of applications for mobile and web, and features talks aimed at getting entrepreneurs to share their experience.

Workshops, discussion panels and networking events are planned for the week as entrepreneurs and tech experts descend on Dublin city to share their experiences and expertise.

The events run from April 8th until April 14th at Dublin’s Mansion House, starting with the Ship It event on Monday.

“It’s sort of a community version of Brio – if you’re making anything, come along and show it. It’s like show and tell,” explains HyperTiny’s Paul Campbell. “Tell us about your product, tell us why it’s good.”


Mr Campbell will show his own software Tito at the event.

Once Ship It is finished, Brio begins on April 9th and runs for two days, concentrating more on the entrepreneurial side of things.

A number of speakers have been signed up for Brio, including the organiser of XOXO conference and former Kickstarter chief technology officer Andy Baio; founder of the Mentoring movement Diana Kimball; and cyborg anthropologist Amber Case.

“With Brio we wanted to organise something that was a little bit more focused around building things,” said Mr Campbell, who organised the event with Adam Brault of &Yet.

“Brio doesn’t claim to be a technology conference. It’s trying to vocalise the ‘good’ hacker ethos around making the world better,” Mr Campbell said.

In the latter half of the week, Úll will kick off, running from April 12th to 14th. The conference, which Mr Campbell is organising with Tapadoo's Dermot Daly, concentrates on iOS, OS X and mobile.

Last year’s event was a major success, Mr Campbell said, prompting a repeat performance for 2013.

Among the speakers at the Apple-focused event are Don Melton, formerly of Apple and the man behind the Safari web browser project; co-founder of Ordered List Steve Smith and UK-based iOS developer David Addey. Developer and designer Matt Gemmel will deliver the keynote speech at the event.

Úll has even managed to entice a major sponsor, with online storage company Dropbox backing the event, along with startup Converser, Enterprise Ireland, Github and Project Zebra. Tickets for all three events are still available.

Ciara O'Brien

Ciara O'Brien

Ciara O'Brien is an Irish Times business and technology journalist