Egging on Barretstown

IRELAND AND Munster rugby star Paul O'Connell lent a hand to Barretstown yesterday to announce details of the second Eversheds…

IRELAND AND Munster rugby star Paul O'Connell lent a hand to Barretstown yesterday to announce details of the second Eversheds Sports Day, a corporate fundraising event in Herbert Park - due to take place from 4pm on September 13th - that aims to encourage the business community to come together to raise much-needed funds for the children's charity.

O'Connell was joined by Rokas Turcinskasio (10), Abbey West (7) and Ben West (10), at the UL Arena training grounds in Limerick.

With old favourites such as the egg- and-spoon race, the sack race, three- legged race, obstacle course and more unusual sports day pursuits such as cup stacking, space hoppers and wooden skis, the business community will have every opportunity to show off its sporting prowess.

Last year's event ended up in a tie- break, with the eventual winners decided by the 'big power' event, the tug of war.


This is the fourth year for the Avonmore Big Picnic for Barretstown campaign, which encourages families, schools, clubs and businesses to host a picnic with friends and families and raise funds for the charity founded by actor Paul Newman. It gives sick children a break from hospitals, white coats and medical treatment and a chance for them to be children again: to have fun, to make new friends and create new memories – all within the beautiful and magical setting of Barretstown castle in the Kildare countryside.

Barretstown and Eversheds hope as many businesses as possible will enter teams in this years event. Anyone interested in taking part can email Liz at orcall 045-864115.'