'Scrooge-like' move roundly criticised

CHRISTMAS BONUS: THE GOVERNMENT was accused of “cancelling Christmas” for more than a million welfare recipients after it announced…

CHRISTMAS BONUS:THE GOVERNMENT was accused of "cancelling Christmas" for more than a million welfare recipients after it announced it will not pay out the traditional Christmas bonus payment this year.

Groups said the move would drive thousands of people toward moneylenders at a time when their incomes are under the greatest strain.

The bonus – typically a double welfare payment made in December – was paid to about 1.3 million people last year. The decision not to pay it will save the State about €156 million.

Minister for Social and Family Affairs Mary Hanafin said it was a “tough call”, but insisted the alternative was cutting social welfare rates across the board. “It will hurt people, but unfortunately it’s a choice we had to make.”


The move was roundly criticised by Opposition parties and lobby groups yesterday.

Olwyn Enright, Fine Gael’s spokeswoman on social affairs, said the measure was one of “Scrooge-like proportions”.

Age Action said the loss of the Christmas bonus would equate to a 2 per cent cut in the annual income of older people.