ME & MY MONEY: Fergus Murphy, commercial director, Stafford Lynch Ltd

For any large purchases, I’ll always get a price from at least three companies, and compare different brands

Are you a saver or a spender? I'm a spender; I could say I live for today, but I'm also smart enough to save something for tomorrow.

Do you shop around for better value? It depends on what I'm buying. For travel (flights/hotels/etc) absolutely!

For any large purchases, I’ll always get a price from at least three companies, and compare different brands. For electrical items, you’ve got to love the internet!

What has been your most extravagant purchase and how much did it cost? I should say an engagement ring, but I'm not saying how much it cost (you're not meant to haggle, are you?).


Flying business class is an occasional extravagance and I bought a couple of nice cars a few years back, when we all thought we were well off in Ireland!

What purchase have you made that you consider the best value for money? I just bought a Sony Smart 3D TV and got a fantastic deal. A holiday in the Waldorf Astoria in Orlando last year was amazing value, too – I priced around for months and a lot of haggling was involved there also!

What ways do you prefer to shop – online or local? It very much depends. Flights, hotels, electronics, books, movies and music online. Food and clothes have to be bought local – you've got to touch and feel them – and try them on – the clothes, of course, not the food.

Do you haggle over prices? Always, partly to get a better price, but mostly because it's great fun. I was in the Silk Market in Beijing a few years ago and it was the best fun ever. They are expert hagglers – after two days they started calling me the "Crazy Man".

Has the recession changed your spending habits? Yes, most definitely. I'm a lot more aware of the price of everyday things now. I shop around for the best value (which isn't always about price). Do you invest in shares? I used to, but got a little burnt. I may again in the future, but I'm a little cautious right now.

Cash or card? A little of both, cash for small purchases and card for large ones. But I always stay on top of the credit card bill.

What was the last thing you bought, and was it good value for money? I just bought a PTV-6000 Wireless HDMI adapter DLNA and wifi receiver on Groupon. For my new TV. . . I could explain what it is, but that would be too easy!

Have you ever successfully saved up for a relatively big purchase? Yes, but then I blew it all on some new cars. Have you ever lost money? I lost $2,500 in Las Vegas once. I wasn't even gambling. Are you a gambler and if so, have you ever had a big win? Only on a game of golf, but I rarely win. I did get talked into a charity poker game many years ago, and came away with a few grand; it was beginner's luck.

Is money important to you? No, not at all, but I know I'm extremely fortunate that I can say that.

Security for my family is, so I appreciate money very keenly in that context.

How much money do you have on you now? €55. I don't usually carry a lot of cash on me.

in conversation with Tony Clayton-Lea