Four shopping development plans blocked

Business leaders in Derry are hoping its city centre is in line for an investment boost following a decision that will block …

Business leaders in Derry are hoping its city centre is in line for an investment boost following a decision that will block four proposed out of town shopping developments.

The Department of the Environment had been considering nine major planning applications to develop new retail space in the greater Derry area, the majority of which were located outside the city centre.

But yesterday the North’s environment minister, Alex Attwood, ruled that he had decided to reject four of the applications and had given the green light to just one at the Crescent Link Retail Development park in the Waterside.

The city’s first Asda supermarket will be built on the site but Mr Attwood’s decision means that rival supermarket groups Tesco and Sainsbury’s will not be able to advance their plans to develop new stores in the area.