Owner managers 'under pressure'

Many owner managers are working long hours under pressure and miss holidays on a regular basis, according to a new survey

Many owner managers are working long hours under pressure and miss holidays on a regular basis, according to a new survey. The 02 survey found owner managers in small and medium-sized businesses worked longer hours than the average employee.

Many often worked weekends and missed out on annual leave, the survey said.

The study was conducted on behalf of O2 Ireland by market research firm Millward Brown IMS, which surveyed 300 firms employing between one and 50 people. Almost one-quarter worked more than 51 hours a week, while 6 per cent work more than 61 hours a week. The average hours worked per week by senior managers in small and medium-sized businesses was 44.

That compared with 37.2 hours for the rest of the population. Just 51 per cent said they always took their full holidays.


"The survey paints a picture of hard-working entrepreneurs, who more than earn any rewards they make," said Mr Paul Farrell, head of marketing at O2 Ireland.

Such was the pressure on owner managers that more than a quarter (28 per cent) said they missed important family events such as anniversaries or children's birthdays due to work constraints.

The most popular form of relaxation was watching TV/video or socialising with family. This was followed by reading, visiting the pub and involvement in sports such as golf.

While owner managers worked long hours, the study suggests many of them did not have a healthy lifestyle. Just one in four were members of a gym, although those in Dublin appeared more health conscious with 31 per cent joining a gym.

This fell to 21 per cent for those outside the city.

Of those who were members of a gym, 38 per cent visited twice a week. Some 19 per cent found time to work out three times per week and 15 per cent visited the gym more than three times a week.

The owner managers in Dublin spent an average of eight hours a week commuting compared to their counterparts in the rest of the State, who spent 5.2 hours a week commuting. Just 4 per cent used public transport while three-quarters travelled by car.

Owner managers supported the Minister for Health's proposed smoking ban in pubs, with 67 per cent in favour and 23 per cent opposed.