Olins has designs on Diageo

Where on earth did Guinness and Grand Metropolitan get the name Diageo the new title for their combined operations which has …

Where on earth did Guinness and Grand Metropolitan get the name Diageo the new title for their combined operations which has been variously described as sounding like an exotic medicine or an Italian footballer. From British consultancy Wolff Olins, of course.

Some may recall that it was the same Wolff Olins who came up with the current AIB and Irish Life corporate logos. a move which cost the two institutions a pretty penny and raised the ire of the Irish design community.

The Margin thinks they'd be just the people to do a new job ... on the Bord Failte shamrock although the company's chairman, Brian Boylan, is in no doubt about what approach he'd take if given the opportunity. The shamrock should be ditched, he told The Irish Times earlier this week.