NTMA taps into international thirst for Guinness

THE Margin's man on the international money circuit says that the hospitality of the National Treasury Management was much in…

THE Margin's man on the international money circuit says that the hospitality of the National Treasury Management was much in evidence at this week's Euromoney International Bond Congress in London. While some of the display stands from various countries were serving wine, and the Financial Times was plying those attending with pink champagne, the NTMA was offering Guinness on tap. Queues were out the door, apparently, until disaster struck on Tuesday when the cooler broke down. Fortunately all was well later in the day and the beer was again flowing for the thirsty international money men.

A large contingent of Irish brokers and bankers attended the conference. But the Margin simply can't believe reports that many of them ended up in Stringfellows in London, with rival broker firms glaring across the dance floor at each other from different tables.