In short

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Other technology stories in brief

Accuris signs deal with O2 UK

Dublin telecoms software company Accuris Networks has entered into a partnership with O2 UK to enhance its AccuRoam platform.

With AccuRoam, subscribers to code division multiple access (CDMA) mobile networks can roam on global system for mobiles (GSM) networks when abroad.


O2 has 417 GSM roaming agreements in 184 countries, so the partnership makes AccuRoam more attractive to CDMA operators because their subscribers will be able to roam in any country they travel to.

500 at software conference

About 500 software developers attended yesterday's Irish Microsoft Technologies Conference in Dublin.

They gathered to discuss hot topics in the Microsoft world, including Ajax, the Silverlight web programming language, the Longhorn server, and the next generation of Visual Studio, codename "Orcas".

The conference, organised by and Microsoft Technology User Groups Ireland, ended with a Lego robot dancing and singing an Irish ballad.

BT launches tech websites

BT Ireland has launched technology retail brand Dabs in the Irish market. A leading UK technology retailer, Dabs was acquired by BT in April 2006.

There will be two websites - the business-focused and the consumer version,

Dabs dispatches more than 5,000 orders a day in the UK and had revenues of £170 million (€250 million) for the year to the end of March.

BT Ireland said it would consider bundling communications packages with IT equipment.