Extra day to file tax returns

SELF-ASSESSED taxpayers have been given an extra 24 hours to file their tax returns because of a mix-up at the Revenue Commissioners…

SELF-ASSESSED taxpayers have been given an extra 24 hours to file their tax returns because of a mix-up at the Revenue Commissioners.

Revenue confirmed yesterday that the extended Revenue Online System (ROS) “pay and file” deadline has been pushed out by one day to midnight on November 16th. This change was made after a misleading Revenue radio advertisement caused confusion among taxpayers.

The date for submitting paper tax returns to the Revenue is October 31st, but self-assessed taxpayers who register with ROS, and both pay their taxes and file their returns online, can avail of an extended deadline.

The ROS deadline for 2011 had been set for midnight on November 15th (a day earlier that last year’s deadline).


However, a Revenue advertisement broadcast at the weekend mistakenly indicated that the cut-off date this year was November 16th.

“We became aware that there was some confusion regarding the extended filing date,” a Revenue spokeswoman said yesterday.

“Revenue has traditionally allowed an extended period of time for filing of the income tax return and payment of related tax liabilities to those who use ROS. Revenue has confirmed that the extended date this year is November 16th.”

It is understood the mistake was a result of an internal communications mix-up.

The Revenue also confirmed it will keep its ROS technical helpdesk open until midnight on November 16th, 2011.