EBS job attracts attention

Three hundred members of the EBS Building Society have applied for the position of non-executive director

Three hundred members of the EBS Building Society have applied for the position of non-executive director. The building society, which in August took the unprecedented step of advertising the job, is screening the applications and will draw up a short-list of candidates for interview.

The EBS has employed recruitment consultants to assist it in reviewing the applications and the director is expected to be appointed by the end of the year. The Central Bank will approve the appointment.

The part-time job carries a salary of £20,000 (€25,413) and will provide savers and borrowers at the society with a voice in the boardroom. In screening the applications, the EBS will rule out individuals who may have conflicts of interest that could compromise their position. Experience of the property or financial services sectors will be viewed favourably.

The position is new and is being created as part of the society's plans for Mr Ted McGovern to take over from Mr Pat O'Reilly as chief executive next year.