Defence Forces campaign kicks off

Advertising and Marketing: The recruitment advertising campaign for the Defence Forces breaks next Tuesday. The €2

Advertising and Marketing: The recruitment advertising campaign for the Defence Forces breaks next Tuesday. The €2.54 million (£2 million) campaign will be its most high profile and expensive to date and is being devised by Cawley Nea advertising.

The tendering process to find an advertising agency for the combined Defence Forces began early last summer. There are several TV advertisements in the new campaign, including the expected boys 'n' toys approach. However, as elements were filmed in Kosovo and East Timor over the past months, the strategy has clearly been to show the Defence Forces in the broadest possible light.

The Defence Forces need between 800 and 1,000 new recruits this year.

Lite FM beefs up marketing budget


Lite FM is beefing up its marketing budget for 2002 with a spend of €635,000 (£500,000). The easy listening station targets the 35-plus age group and the spend will be spread over below-the-line promotions, mainly competition giveaways, and an extensive outdoor campaign beginning next week.

Reebok determines spending for year

Sportswear giant Reebok will allocate €375 million (£295.2 million) for global marketing activities in 2002.

The budget represents 11 per cent of total sales and is close to last year's spend.

Reebok will also be promoting a new fashion range for men called Rbk. It also aims to focus on women, a market usually by-passed by sportswear companies.