Debunking the hype

"Nano" has been a buzz term in recent years, and with it comes huge expectation.

"Nano" has been a buzz term in recent years, and with it comes huge expectation.

At times, however, the public imagination runs wild, fuelled by stories of evil, self-assembling nano-robots that will take over the earth, according to physicist Dr Gordon Chambers at DIT. "There is a lot of confusion about the science fiction, but nanobots will never exist, they are Hollywood," he says.

Instead the reality is likely to be less dramatic and more enabling. Currently nanomaterials are used to strengthen sports goods, he says. "Many racquets and golf-clubs are reinforced with nanocarbons and nanotitaniums."

Other humdrum products getting a nano-makeover include cosmetics with more attractive light- reflecting qualities.

Claire O'Connell

Claire O'Connell

Claire O'Connell is a contributor to The Irish Times who writes about health, science and innovation