Small Firms’ Association’s guide to frolics

While no doubt wise, the SFA’s instructions for festive fun seem a little strict

This week’s edition of the regular e-zine sent by the Small Firms’ Association to its members has “some practical advice for employers regarding Christmas parties”. There is nothing about preventing the office photocopier becoming a naughty leisure facility, but whoever wrote it definitely isn’t a party animal.

Setting the mood for some festive revelry, the SFA warns: “Employers must be aware that the party venue is basically an extension of the office and that they remain responsible for the . . . behaviour of employees during such events.” Employers should also “endeavour to limit the amount of alcohol provided” to prevent “problems”, which could be another name for fun.

“A major risk associated with work parties is the potential for misconduct between members of staff due to over-consumption of alcohol,” the SFA advises

Some people believe various forms of misconduct are the aim of a work party, rather than a risk, but hey . . .


“The employer must also remind employees in advance that the same disciplinary procedures [as for work] apply during the party,” the association warns, deadpan. Ho ho ho. . . The SFA’s annual bash must be an absolute blast.