Donabate town centre site for €1.5 million

Infill Site CB Richard Ellis is handling the sale of a 0

Infill SiteCB Richard Ellis is handling the sale of a 0.21-acre development site on the main street in Donabate, Co Dublin beside the railway station.

The site comprises a retail unit on the ground floor with storage above and a residential dwelling to the rear. The AMV is €1.5 million and tenders are invited by noon on October 25th.

Around 25kms north of Dublin city centre and around 2.5kms to the north-east of Swords and Dublin Airport, Donabate is a well established residential area which has seen a large number of new housing estates being built over the last decade.

The Donabate local area plan has allowed for the development of 5,000 new houses to be built in the town over the next few years. Surrounding suburbs like Rush, Skerries, Portrane, Turvey and Lusk are growing at a similar rate without the required retail facilities available nearby.


The site is zoned objective "suburban centre" in the Fingal County Development Plan 2005-2011 but the Donabate local area plan adopted in June 2006 zones the subject site as "town centre".

James Hanby of CB Richard Ellis believes that the town centre zoning offers an opportunity to develop a high quality mixed-use residential and retail scheme, which will appeal to both owner-occupiers and investors.

The site may also attract interest from retailers looking for a prime pitch in Donabate next to the train station. The proximity to the train station may facilitate a high density scheme.

Access has been improved due to the recently upgraded N1/M1 Dublin to Belfast route. Donabate has a main line train service which runs to Connolly Station. It also has a bus service.

The Government's Transport 21 plan will see the introduction of a metro line to within a short drive of the site. Metro North will run from St Stephen's Green to a terminal in Swords at Lissenhall via Dublin Airport.

Edel Morgan

Edel Morgan

Edel Morgan is Special Reports Editor of The Irish Times