Birds of a feather emerge at inquiry

With complex technical issues to debate, the CI╔ rail signalling inquiry is not exactly full of fun

With complex technical issues to debate, the CI╔ rail signalling inquiry is not exactly full of fun. But despite the focus on copper cables, invoices and all things train, the mood has lightened on occasion, with certain subcommittee members prone to stray far from the rail trail for the sake of a laugh.

On one occasion this week, Fine Gael's Jim Higgins asked a British consultant, Mr Barry Bird, whether he was related to RT╔ journalist Mr Charlie Bird. The British Bird said Breathless Bird was no relation.

There were laughs alright, but the funniest crack was at rear of the inquiry room, where one wag circulated a note speculating on an unlikely link between Mr Bird and Big Bird of Sesame Street.