AIBIM fund has £5m target

AIB Investment Managers has introduced its eighth-Business Expansion Scheme with a target of at least £5 million and possibly…

AIB Investment Managers has introduced its eighth-Business Expansion Scheme with a target of at least £5 million and possibly as much as £10 million.

AIBIM is marketing the fund with one added attraction - interest earned on money invested with the fund which is awaiting investment will paid to subscribers when the investment is completed.

A minimum of £2,000 and a maximum of £25,000 may be put into the fund.

Mr Brian McGirr of AIBIM said "While we are well advanced with a number of projects, these will take some time to complete before the closing date.


"In order to allay any perception that the fund managers has a conflict of interest in deferring investment, AIB Investment Managers will pass on to investors the interest earned while funds are waiting investment."