Irish Funds Industry Special Report

Investors took a more cautious approach to ESG investing in 2023 in the wake of the underperformance of ESG and sustainable strategies in 2022, research indicates

The EU Taxonomy is a classification system that defines criteria for economic activities that are aligned with a net zero trajectory by 2050 as well as broader environmental goals other than climate. We explain how this affects the investment funds industry.

Bitcoin crashed after the crisis from about €56,000 to €15,000, but has since climbed back, to €43,000, so many still see value in it

Alternative Investment Funds often offer investors a broader array of investment strategies compared to more conventional instruments

A look at the wide variety of rewarding careers offered by the funds industry

As we look to the next decade, the transparency promoted by European regulation is likely to add fuel to a transition of funds towards a greener future as investors can easily identify greener funds and interrogate the authenticity of a fund’s ESG characteristics

The funds industry is a sector that changes regularly, so people have to keep on top of learning, and most firms provide in-house support and plenty of professional development opportunities


The Irish Times ePaper

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