To have and have not

Madam, – As a species, we are considered to be “human beings”

Madam, – As a species, we are considered to be “human beings”. It has often occurred to me that the “being” aspect of this designation is a vital clue regarding how we might best fulfil the reality of our human identity. In technical terms, I believe humans operate maximally within their design specification, when afforded the safety to simply be.

I also believe that one of the unreported side-effects of the Celtic Tiger, was the introduction of a fiscally insane viral thought-pattern, which insisted we should operate outside our design specification and try to be “human havings”.

As a result of this fiscal insanity, how many of us are discovering we are and will be “human have-nots” for an unforseeable future? How insane is that? – Yours, etc,


Clarinda Park West,

Dún Laoghaire,

Co Dublin.