The Meaning Of Feminism

Sir, - The most astute - not to mention courageous - journalist in Ireland, is the Irish Times columnist John Waters

Sir, - The most astute - not to mention courageous - journalist in Ireland, is the Irish Times columnist John Waters. It is always a joy when he gets up the noses of the various man-hating sisters who find it convenient to blame the male for their own inadequacies, disappointments and general unhappiness that the world, which owes them living on their own terms at the expense of the man, is not always producing the goods.

We see the Irish version of feminism when women who demand rights for themselves in all spheres of Irish life rubbish claims that the same rights should apply to the brothers. Loving women, as I do, it is unnatural for me to be constantly aware that a small yet very vocal and articulate section is sending out the message that being a man means real women must read all the labels which have been hung around my neck and which are illuminated by the big red danger light atop my shaggy head.

Women and men are living out their lives (admittedly a section in pain and distress where a man is to blame, and vice versa) all over Ireland, and the vast majority are doing so in co-operation and love, so it is ridiculous to constantly have to read that every man in Ireland is suspect because he was born male. - Yours, etc.,

Robert O'Sullivan, Bantry, Co Cork.