Reform of the Garda Síochána

Sir, – In your article by Conor Lally “Garda restructuring plans face rural backlash” (Home News, August 23rd) there is a sense of deja vu.

In the article, even the chairman of the Public Accounts Committee claims that the “changes will lead to a reduction in policing”.

How can such a claim be made as the whole tenor of the proposed reforms will actually lead to more gardaí being out and about?

That is what the public wants, not non-productive top managers sitting in offices. It is fairly common knowledge that the force is top heavy with senior management – and efforts to curb that are to be welcomed.


The Garda’s structures are still largely based on the old RIC model. The term too many chiefs and not enough Indians comes to mind. Is there not a sense of we must maintain our local hospital and post office at all costs no matter how much life moves on? Garda staff associations like to protect their own interests and can hardly be regarded as objective.

Garda Commissioner Drew Harris is doing great work in reforming the Garda Síochána. In that he deserves the support of us all. – Yours, etc,


Ballina, Mayo.