Sir, - William Reville (February 25th) referred to an interview I did with Rodney Rice on RTE's Saturday View concerning Sellafield and nuclear safety. He takes issue with my response to radon.
Radon gas is emitted from natural sources such as granite. As it is dispersed in the open air, proper ventilation of the affected areas or buildings is required. Ventilation must be built in or added afterwards, e.g. when surveys such as the current one on schools in Co Wicklow show that particular rooms in certain schools have a dangerous level of radon build-up.
I don't know why Dr Reville takes issue with this sensible response. I stated quite clearly that what we needed to do was to amend the building regulationsand to deal with ventilation. Dr Reville contrasts my response on radon to my polemic on the dangers of Sellafield. I agree that low level radiation is dangerous from whatever source. In fact I have made sure that EU research in this area is funded as I am not satisfied that the level of risk is correctly assessed.
What I do take issue with is the contrast with what I see as the focus of the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland on the dangers of radon and the lukewarm attention it gives to the dangers of nuclear emissions from the UK nuclear installations in general, and from Sellafield in particular. It makes no sense to add extra radiation from reprocessing at Sellafield. What I alluded to is the fact that the RPII is not making an issue of the contamination of the Irish Sea by reprocessing of plutonium at Sellafield. In fact, as I pointed out, their anodyn statements are being used as propaganda by BNFL.
I am glad to hear from Dr Reville that he supports the Government call to have Sellafield closed, as he appears to me to be a supporter of nuclear policy. In fact, from his Irish Times science columns when they allude to nuclear issues, one receives the very clear impression that he is a proponent of nuclear technology. As Dr Reville is on the board of the RPII this gives credence to the impression that the RPII in general is aligned with a pro-nuclear ideology. I am not the only one to have questioned whether the RPII is carrying out Government policy or undermining it. - Yours, etc,
Nuala Ahern MEP, Greystones, Co Wicklow.