Sir, - Your editorial "Owen should move out" (November 21st) may be right in stating about the Department of Justice that "in…

Sir, - Your editorial "Owen should move out" (November 21st) may be right in stating about the Department of Justice that "in plain English, the place is a managerial shambles." But when you go on to say "Mrs Owen has presided over this farraginous chaos for two long years" and "Mrs Owen may argue that she inherited these glutinous and sclerotic arrangements", your editorial becomes a communication shambles.

Farraginous, glutinous and sclerotic - in plain English, how are ye! You or your editorial writer should also move out - and not return till he or she has studied The Plain English Guide: How to write clearly and communicate better, published this year by the Oxford University Press. - Yours, etc.,

Merrion Road,
