Paying For Peacekeeping

Sir - What a delightfully small-minded and begrudging letter from Tony O'Hanlon (April 19th)

Sir - What a delightfully small-minded and begrudging letter from Tony O'Hanlon (April 19th). Should the US Ambassador dignify this pomposity with a reply, he may point out that his taxpayers have guaranteed the peace of Europe for the past 50 years, since rescuing it from Mr de Valera's friend, Hitler.

During that time, we have been able to huddle under the NATO umbrella while maintaining the ridiculous pretence of neutrality, secure in the knowledge that the rest of the West, and the US in particular, would never let any harm come to poor little Ireland. This has saved Irish taxpayers countless millions over the years in not having to provide for a realistic national defence, as the real neutral nations, such as Sweden and Switzerland, have done.

Instead of the explanations that Mr O'Hanlon demands, perhaps the US Ambassador should present an invoice for the multiple billions expended by his country guaranteeing the security of this island and continent. However, I'm sure he won't; as a diplomat, he would never be as rude to his hosts as we seem so often to be to him and his office. - Yours, etc.,

Andy Carlisle, Four Seasons Drive, Ennis, Co Clare.