Magdalen Laundries

A chara, - Martina Conlon-McKenna remarks (Features, October 7th), regarding the Magdalen laundries: "I can't believe no one …

A chara, - Martina Conlon-McKenna remarks (Features, October 7th), regarding the Magdalen laundries: "I can't believe no one had written a novel about it before or that no one seemed to know anything about them. How could this have happened?"

Patricia (Pat) Burke-Brogan wrote a play, Eclipsed, about them. The setting was in a laundry in Galway and the play was produced in that city and twice in Dublin - once at the Project - as well as in Italy and in the US, all within very recent years. - Is mise,

Micheal O Dalaigh, Stillorgan, Co Dublin.