Language And Politics

A chara, - Donal Flynn (January 12th) displays a great lack of tolerance

A chara, - Donal Flynn (January 12th) displays a great lack of tolerance. The objective of the proposed Language Bill is to ensure appropriate legislative status for the Irish language, which is one of the two official languages under the Constitution. The purpose is not in any way to deny the rights of people to use English but to ensure the rights of those who choose to use Irish.

With attitudes like Donal Flynn's, it is hard to see how we can promote the tolerance pluralism, diversity and understanding that so many people in Ireland now strive for.

Certainly all minority groups on this island have more to fear from the lack of tolerance of diversity shown by Donal than they have from any proposed Language Bill being prepared by me. - Is mise, Eamon O Cuiv TD,

Department of Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands, Mespil Road, Dublin 4.