Sir, - Nuala O'Faolain (July 29th) is surprised but pleased that a senior churchman would ask an apparition the question of whether…

Sir, - Nuala O'Faolain (July 29th) is surprised but pleased that a senior churchman would ask an apparition the question of whether unbaptised children would go to Heaven. That he should ask the question suggests that he considers the answer no to be, at the very least, a possibility. That he is a churchman must also imply that he would regard not going to Heaven as the worst fate that could befall anybody (or should that be many soul"?).

Am I alone in being astonished that anyone could worship a being whom they even suspect of being capable of the random cruelty that this implies? If the Church's view is anything like correct, I can only hope that Archbishop Romero and other liberation theologians have got to Heaven and started a major campaign for human rights and democracy! - Yours, etc,

Moate, Co Westmeath.