Garda Síochána in crisis

Sir, – We hear at various junctures that one or other issue might bring down the Government, and voices from all shades of political opinion then emphasise the need to avoid such a calamity.

But I believe we now have an issue on which the Government deserves to fall.

An election, according to many a politician in the past in relation to a multitude of controversies, has the merit of clearing the air.

In this instance, the air is so toxic with false allegations and whispering campaigns against brave members of An Garda Síochána, and hints of political incompetence over handling of whistleblowers’ precarious plight in general, that any development that helps to detoxify it ought to be welcome.


Sgt Maurice McCabe was subjected to the worst possible attack on his good name. A man who took a brave and principled stance so that our police force could be cleansed of practices that undermine its credibility, effectiveness and morale has had to contend with the lowest, most despicable attempts to derail his good work via bullying and carefully nurtured smear campaigns.

The false allegations made against him should be investigated with a view to ascertaining exactly who was behind them, bearing in mind that if this can happen to a serving garda doing his honest duty to uphold law and order and serve the public, it could happen to anybody.

No person deserves to be wronged in this way. The handling of the issues involved by some elements within the Garda force, by the Government, and by certain State agencies, has been scandalous beyond belief.

If it takes the collapse of this Government to bring resolution to this dark and disturbing saga then so be it.

Let justice be done though the sky falls is a maxim one hears at times like this.

The sky doesn’t have to fall. just a political house of cards tainted by its failure to ensure protection of those who expose all that is rotten and unjust in our society. – Yours, etc,



Co Kilkenny.

Sir, – A vast network of conspiracy seems the only conclusion to link all the facts surrounding how Sgt Maurice McCabe has been treated.

The idea that somehow it is all down to chance is bizarre. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.

Sir, – Should we begin to discuss the unthinkable, ie the disbandment of An Garda Síochána? Is 95 years not too long for a police force to exist with minimal reform? Some people innocently thought that the uncovering by the Morris tribunal of hideous and deep-rooted Garda corruption in Donegal would bring about change. How foolish can you be?

The RIC and the RUC were disbanded, and life improved somewhat for the populations they allegedly served.

The fundamental problem is that successive governments in this State have been afraid to risk a head-on collision with the Garda. Remember the blue flu?

I grew up in a household where respect for the Garda­was part of life. What a shame it would be if my parents were alive to witness the scandalous scale to which Garda corruption has been allowed to develop.

No doubt there are thousands of good and decent gardaí­who must be appalled at what is happening. Surely it is time for them to make their feeling known?

Sgt Maurice McCabe and a few others have dared to challenge the corruption. In my book, those people and their families are heroes and deserve the gratitude and support of us all. – Is mise,


Carraig Mhachaire Rois,

Co Mhuineacháin.

Sir, – Are we to believe that there is a file prepared in readiness, on every man and woman in Ireland, for Tusla to “cut and paste” into as the need arises? There is something so very sinister going on here that the explanation of “clerical error ” does not even begin to explain. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 15.

Sir, – Garda Commissioner Nóirín O’Sullivan has stated that “An Garda Síochána, under my leadership, has been making significant progress . . . in becoming a beacon of 21st-century policing”. Is that some sort of joke? – Yours, etc,



Co Wicklow.

Sir, – A disturbing result from the terrible treatment of Maurice McCabe and his family by State bodies is that any potential whistle blower who is thinking of exposing corruption, wrongdoing, abuse of power or criminal acts is now experiencing a chill of fear and reconsidering coming forward.

Who could blame them? – Yours, etc,



Dublin 3.

Sir, – The Garda Commissioner is quoted on your website as saying that "I have made it clear that I was not part of any campaign to spread rumours about Sgt McCabe and didn't know it was happening at the time it was happening" ("Fianna Fáil: 'If we don't get this sorted out, the Government will collapse'", February 13th).

Well at least that clears things up. No need for Peter Charleton to waste time and money establishing whether “it was happening” or not. The Garda Commissioner has just told us that “it was happening”.

Can we move straight to a criminal investigation of “it” and stop prevaricating? – Yours, etc,



Co Clare.