Focus on road deaths

Madam, – Here is one idea to raise awareness of the appalling number of deaths and injuries on our roads

Madam, – Here is one idea to raise awareness of the appalling number of deaths and injuries on our roads. What I suggest is a regular, prominent “Days since road death” strip (similar to the “Time since accident” statistics you see displayed on some factory floors) to appear on every newspaper front page. The information could also feature regularly on radio and TV, in, or after news bulletins.

The item could feature: days since the last road death; road deaths this year; road deaths in the past 12 months; and the names of those most recently killed on the road. By doing this the newspapers, radio and TV stations could show how important this issue is for all of us.

Hopefully, we would become more focused on the number of road deaths, and moderate our behaviour, gradually improving our road death statistics.

I can also foresee the media reporting on such things as new record number of days since a road death, and lowest deaths in a period, etc. – Yours, etc,


Neale Road,

Ballinrobe, Co Mayo.