Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael’s next taoiseach

Sir, – Will Fianna Fáil go down in history as the party that facilitated the election of a second Fine Gael taoiseach within a year, the first not having a clear mandate from the general public, and the second not having a mandate from the majority within his own party members?

If this happens, surely it would be time they both ended their Civil War politics and amalgamated as one, so as to end the present charade going on between them, more especially since they already have joint control of many councils together around the country.

There is not even the thickness of a cigarette paper difference between them.

If the present Government arrangement survives, one wonders why Fine Gael was in such a rush to dispense with Enda Kenny in the first place as its policies will continue as before. To the horror of many of us, Enda Kenny showed he was resilient in implementing austerity policies on the weakest in society, and in that respect he was no less formidable than the two contenders who sought to replace him.


The common complaint among people is that politicians lose touch with their electorate once elected. The present result has surely copper-fastened that belief, as the vast majority of the so-called “choir boys and girls” within Fine Gael did not consult with their grassroot supporters before declaring for their preferred candidate.

Since Mr Varadkar will be unable to offer all of them ministerial jobs, maybe he might be able to place some of them on JobBridge schemes. – Yours, etc,



Co Limerick.