Dáil vote on Israeli settlements

Sir, – The Dáil vote recognising illegal Israeli settlements as de facto annexation is to be welcomed.

At last a formal recognition by an elected parliament of the reality that pertains on the West Bank.

For years Israeli governments have insisted on strict preconditions for engagement in any talks with Palestinian officials with no reciprocation on their part. While it is reasonable of the Israelis to expect recognition of its right to exist, and the end to rocket attacks, talks can only proceed on their acknowledgement of the illegality of the settlements and their impact on a proposed Palestinian homeland on the West Bank. In the current political climate, with the nationalist right-wing in the ascendancy, this is unlikely to occur voluntarily but international pressure may force the issue. The Government should now progress the Occupied Territories Bill and use its influence at the UN Security Council to try and break the deadlock before the seemingly endless cycle of violence continues. – Yours, etc,



