Clocking up the winter-time blues

Sir, – Mid-winter visits us in eight weeks. Eight weeks after that is February 15th

Sir, – Mid-winter visits us in eight weeks. Eight weeks after that is February 15th. At the moment the evening sky is still light at about 6.45pm on the east coast. It is also getting light after 7.30am.

Yet, this weekend begins the ridiculous charade of winter time when the clock goes back by one hour which means it will be brightening at 6.30am but we’ll be heading home in the dark.

Not only that, but we have to wait until the last weekend of next March for the clocks to be put forward, which is almost a full six weeks after the middle of February when the light in the sky will be roughly equivalent to its level now.

This is not a scientific argument so no lectures please, on the solar system, the speed of the earth and at what precise time the sun rises and sets in the firmament. It is also a general argument, so apologies to early risers.


My point is: why are we subjected to the brutal introduction of winter time? People now work atypically, streets are lit, I believe most houses now have electricity and very, very few children walk to school.

And if we must go through this depression-inducing charade which is the annual herald of winter, why not put the clock forward again in mid-February? – Yours, etc,


Greenlea Grove,

Terenure, Dublin 6W.

Sir, – I’m reminded that all chronometers go back at 2am this coming Sunday. Has anyone informed acquisitive horologist Michael Fingleton? – Yours, etc,


Beacon Hill,


Co Dublin.