Civil Partnership Bill

Madam, – Tim Jackson (July 3rd) argues that “the only reason why the State has any interest in marriage is that it is an environment…

Madam, – Tim Jackson (July 3rd) argues that “the only reason why the State has any interest in marriage is that it is an environment which, in the vast majority of cases, produces children who are, of course,the future of society.”

It is true that the State should take an interest in children’s welfare but the way it does this is with child benefit.

Moreover Mr Jackson claims traditional marriage is “the optimal environment for a child”.

So he believes homosexual couples should not be allowed to have children. I would ask Mr Jackson does he believe that poor people should not be allowed to have children.


After all it is widely accepted that there is a strong link between poverty and crime.

Indeed what amount of wealth does Mr Jackson feel is required to provide “the optimal environment” for a child?

Similarly does he believe that single parents should be allowed to rear children since the child would not have both a mother and a father?

There are many gay couples who can provide just as good a life for a child as any heterosexual couple and who deserve to marry who they wish like any other person. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 5

A chara, – Tim Jackson (3rd) suggests that “privacy was the core value” behind the decriminalisation of homosexual acts, but now finds that “the gay lobby have abandoned the privacy argument and are now looking for State sponsorship of their lifestyle arrangements”.

I would have thought that the desire to be treated with the respect and dignity which should be afforded to all citizens was the more pressing concern of those who played a part in ending the criminalisation of gay people simply for their sexual preferences, which is of course nothing more than would be granted by the provisions of the Civil Partnership Bill. – Is mise,




