Sir, - We are truly fortunate that Mr John Cull inane (letters, August 28th) is not in a position to implement the policy for…

Sir, - We are truly fortunate that Mr John Cull inane (letters, August 28th) is not in a position to implement the policy for paedophiles which he recommends. His letter must rank as one of the most reactionary I have ever read.

How would Mr Cullinane show that surgical castration is a "positive therapy"? Removing the attacker's sexual function restores nothing to the victim, and would probably result in the offender harbouring a lifelong grudge against both victim and state.

find it interesting that Mr Cullinane, who is also antiabortion (as seen in his previous published letter), supports one operation which would deny new life entering this world, while simultaneously condemning another.

His argument that castration is not harmful to the health of the offender is totally unsupported. The psychological consequences of such an enforced operation would be profound. He then states that cast rating offenders will "definitely achieve a much needed result".


Perhaps Mr Cullinane would like to tell us where he got his proof that this would be the case. This kind of unfounded statement is extremely dangerous and only encourages the climate of ignorance which enables paedophiles to continue seeking victims. Yours, etc.

Northbrook Avenue,

Dublin 6.