Arms Crisis Recalled

Sir, - Michael Mills, in his contribution on the Arms Trials (The Irish Times, April 29th) has written a contentious and tendentious…

Sir, - Michael Mills, in his contribution on the Arms Trials (The Irish Times, April 29th) has written a contentious and tendentious mish-mash of hypocritical cant and innuendo.

I defy him at any public forum to substantiate what is undoubtedly a cleverly crafted apologia for Jack Lynch and Jim Gibbons.

Having known Michael Mills well during his Irish Press days, and recalling his words to my wife and me at the close of the Public Accounts Committee investigation, I am particularly disappointed that he should lend himself to producing such a misleading article in the autumn of his days, even to the extent of excusing the misleading of the court by Mr Gibbons in his paragraph on the February 6th directive to the Army. - Yours, etc.,

(Capt) James J. Kelly


Curzon Street, Dublin 8.