An Bord Pleanála and fast-track planning

Sir, – The rate of the rise of the super-tower in Dublin’s north city suburbs is nothing short of alarming. Some 471 build-to-rent apartments have been approved at the former Chivers site in Coolock.

A little further up the road at Clarehall Shopping Centre, a nine-storey tower has been approved at the entrance to the shopping centre in a populated area and which will cast shadow over adjoining properties.

In both cases, sincerely held concerns over lack of amenity, congestion and inadequate transport were dismissed, including the views of An Bord Pleanála’s own inspector.

Last year, Minister for Housing Eoghan Murphy introduced the new fast-track Strategic Housing Development scheme which allows planning applications to bypass approval by the local authority. It was under strategic housing that the applications were made and ultimately successful.


Both schemes are build-to-rent. Nobody will ever own these homes but the corporate landlords.

The only way to appeal the decision is through a judicial review putting this beyond the means of most people.

Why are corporate landlords and overseas investment vehicles being given fast-track approval to change our cityscape radically against sound planning advice, including that of An Bord Pleanála’s own inspector? – Is mise,


Dublin 17.