A land flowing in milk and honey

Madam, – In these troubled times, your readers may enjoy reading what the English historian, the venerable Bede, said of us …

Madam, – In these troubled times, your readers may enjoy reading what the English historian, the venerable Bede, said of us in 731 AD. “Ireland, in breadth, and for wholesomeness and serenity of climate, far surpasses Britain; for the snow scarcely ever lies there above three days: no man makes hay in the summer for winter’s provision, or builds stables for his beasts of burden. No reptiles are found there, and no snake can live there. The island abounds in milk and honey, nor is there any want of vines, fish, or fowl; and it is remarkable for deer and goats.” – Yours, etc,


Park Lane,

Sandymount, Dublin 4.