A home for the Ennistymon Púca

Sir, – Whatever about the merits of the Ennistymon Púca – and it appeared to me to be a fine piece of work, totally in tune with the shifting realities of these times – now more than ever is there a need for a museum or park for unwanted public monuments (Diarmaid Ferriter, "Have we really got to stage where the auld Púca must be cancelled?", Opinion & Analysis, January 14th)?

The sadly underloved Púca would find sanctuary here, as well as the frequently vandalised monuments to Luke Kelly. Here you might see the Anna Livia statue (the floozie in the jacuzzi) perhaps cradling in her ample lap the head of Lord Nelson, both of them late of O’Connell Street. The Shelbourne Four might have been given temporary shelter here before their rehabilitation last year, and indeed, the often defaced Little Mermaid of Copenhagen could be provided with temporary refuge here. And that is not to mention the many other militaristic and monarchical pieces that have fallen from grace over the years.

I would suggest a site for this as adjacent to, and including, the Wellington Memorial in Dublin’s Phoenix Park. – Yours, etc,



