Fear no more...!

ST. LUKE tells us the story. His account is concise, and luminous and remains forever in the mind

ST. LUKE tells us the story. His account is concise, and luminous and remains forever in the mind. Amid springtime radiance two disciples set out to walk the 13 kilometres from Jerusalem to Emmaus. Sadness was in their faces and in their speech. The Risen Saviour joined them. Their eyes were veiled. They failed to recognise him. He was close, ever ready to listen, to encourage, to heal, and to lighten their darkness. Gently he asked the topic of their talk and the cause of their sorrow. One of them related their Good Friday experience with the revealing words: "We had hoped that he would be the one to set Israel free. Besides all that, this is now the third day since it happened." They were among the disciples who had rejected as nonsense the story of the women who had seen the empty tomb.

Jesus opened up for them the Scriptures and explained the passage concerning himself. The saving word shone with radiance made new. Their hearts burned within them. They begged Him to stay with them because it was towards evening and the day was now far spent. At table He took the Bread, blessed it, broke it and gave it to them. Grace filled memories came to mind. But He vanished. They realised, with living faith restored, that they had walked with Jesus. They recognised Him, as will we, in the breaking of the bread. By the Eucharist we are healed and made ready once more for our pilgrim journey. They took the road back to Jerusalem and added their testimony to the chorus of Resurrection witness all around them. They heard the glad tiding: "The Lord has risen indeed and has appeared to Peter."

They returned, fortified by word of Scripture and by grace of Sacrament, ready to bring Resurrection Hope to all whose lives they touched. This was to be their life long task, as it is for us today amid ideals abandoned and truth, at times, betrayed. The Gospels speak to us of sin forgiven, eyes opened, hearts cleansed, the sad past healed, and darkness dispelled by the Light from the empty tomb.

As we walk our pilgrim path we know there is a great void within the heart that only God can fill. We recall the first words of Jesus after His resurrection: ... Woman! Mary! Go and announce ... Mary Magdalen was to be the Apostle of all Apostles. We, too, are called to carry light, to build peace, and in our witness to develop a civilisation of love. The women remained faithful even when men lost faith and abandoned hope.


Paul presents the light filled mystery, as foundation for our faith. ". . - He appeared to Peter and then to the twelve. Then He appeared to more than 500 all at once (most of whom are still alive). Then He appeared to James, and then to all the Apostles ... Last of all He appeared to me ...! If Christ has not been raised - then your faith is a delusion ... If our hope in Christ is good for this life only and no more, we deserve more pity than anyone else in the world . . . but the truth is that Christ has been raised from the dead as the guarantee that those who sleep in death will also be raised. . .!" (1 Cor 15, 17-19).

May the Resurrection promise be fulfilled for us at journey's end and may we see Him for ourselves as He foretold.

Easter glory fills the sky!


Christ now lives no more to die!


Darkness has been put to flight!


By the living Lord of Light! Al leluia!

Seek not life within the tomb,

Christ stands in the upper room,

Risen glory He conceals,

Risen body, he reveals!.
