Country club or community?

Sir, - I refer to Breda O'Brien's column of January 13th

Sir, - I refer to Breda O'Brien's column of January 13th. Cregg House is, among other things, a residential centre for approximately 120 people with learning disabilities.

As chaplain here for many years, it has been my privilege to experience the friendship of numerous residents, to have become aware in some small way of the grief and joy of parents and, above all, to have discovered the extraordinary love of parents and other family members for their Sinead, their Michael, their Sheila . . .

I share Ms O'Brien's concern at finding RTE so narrowly informed in its approach to the subject of Patau's syndrome in children. But there is also a larger question.

Now that we have the means, as never before, to shape the future of our society, which do we want to build: a community or a country club? A community in which people of every social stratum, of every age, colour, culture and disability are positively included; or a country club built for the productive, the creative and the accomplished, for the beautiful and the perfect people of the land - exclusively? - Yours, etc.,


Rev John Carroll, Chaplain's Residence, Cregg House, Sligo.