Young Leaders Competition winners

The annual, all-Ireland, Young Leaders Competition was organised as usual by Rotary Ireland, and sponsored, very generously, …

The annual, all-Ireland, Young Leaders Competition was organised as usual by Rotary Ireland, and sponsored, very generously, by the Rotarians themselves. The winners of the regional finals met in the European Parliament Office before leaving Dublin for the Continent.

Their destination was the EUROSCOLA event at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, where they took part in an all-day parliamentary simulation exercise, using their wits as well as their language skills. As always, these young Irish people swept all, or nearly all, before them, dominating the elected posts in their committees and in plenary.

UK Euro by-election set for May 7th

The South-Yorkshire Euro by-election will go ahead on May 7th, the same day as local elections. The seat is at present held by Labour who have chosen Linda McAvan, a qualified interpreter and translator to stand as their candidate.


This may be the last by-election to the European Parliament, if the UK changes its electoral system. There have been three by-elections since 1979.

Count-down to the euro in European Parliament

April 14th: Discussion on convergence with national parliaments

April 15th: EP Economic and Monetary Committee votes on convergence report

April 30th: Convergence report adopted in EP plenary

May 1st: ECOFIN Council makes recommendations on EMU

May 2nd: 8 a.m.: EP Economic and Monetary Committee considers ECOFIN recommendations

10 a.m: Plenary considers presentation by Gordon Brown off ECOFIN recommendations, and resolution on them from Economic and Monetary Affairs committee

???p.m.: European Council meets to decide on members of the single currency and to nominate Board members of the ECB

May 2nd or 3rd: ECOFIN meets to fix exchange rates between participating currencies

May 7th-8th: Nominees to Board of ECB attend EP committee hearings

May 14th: Vote in plenary on nominees to the Board of the ECB

Europe Week Concert

Europe Day falls this year on a Saturday - it is, of course, the anniversary of the declaration on May 9th 1950 by Robert Schuman, the French Foreign Minister, announcing the intention to establish the Coal and Steel Community. The Europe Day Concert, sponsored for the last three years by the European Parliament Office, will take place not on Saturday May 9th, but on Thursday May 7th, for the convenience of the public. The concert will take place as usual in St Ann's Church, Dawson Street at 1.15 p.m., and will be given by prize-winners from the 1998 Siemens Nixdorf Feis Ceoil. Judging by the high standards observed all round at the Feis this year, it should be a thrilling event. Meanwhile, Cora Venus Lunny, a performer in the 1996 Europe Day concert, is participating in the European Young Musician of the Year, in Vienna.