Violence breaks out in Co Down courtroom

Fighting broke out in a Co Down courtroom this morning where two men and a teenage girl were facing charges related to the murder…

Fighting broke out in a Co Down courtroom this morning where two men and a teenage girl were facing charges related to the murder of a man last week.

Trouble broke out after two men in their 40s and an 18-year-old woman faced the court charged with the murder of Edward Kelly, whose body was found in his rented room at a house in Bangor last week.

Mr Kelly (59) was a lodger at the premises in Central Avenue in the seaside town. Police said he had suffered serious head injuries.

Relatives of the victim clashed with those of one of the accused at Newtownards Magistrates' Court. One man was wrestled to the floor by police, handcuffed, taken out of the building and driven off in a police car.


An ambulance was called after a woman was overcome and collapsed unconscious on the floor. Police shouted "Stay calm, stay calm" as extra officers were rushed into the courtroom and an alarm bell was rung throughout the building.

More than a dozen relatives of Mr Kelly stood in the public gallery surrounded by police as the accused appeared one after the other in the dock just feet away.

The accused are Daniel Martin Hargan (46), of Dufferin Avenue, Bangor; Tammy McDowell (18), of the same address; and Polish national Jerzy Zalewski (45), from a different address in the same street.

A detective told the court that when she charged the accused, Mr Hargan and Ms McDowell replied "Not guilty" and Mr Zalewski responded "I didn't kill nobody".

All three were remanded in custody until July 7th to appear via video link at Castlereagh Magistrates' Court.

A third man questioned about the death of Mr Kelly was released on police bail without charge last night pending a report to the Public Prosecution Service.