Sarkozy to cut France's nuclear arsenal

French President Nicolas Sarkozy announced cuts in France's atomic arsenal today but vowed to keep a strong enough deterrent …

French President Nicolas Sarkozy announced cuts in France's atomic arsenal today but vowed to keep a strong enough deterrent against threats such as the possibility of a nuclear-armed Iran.

Speaking at the launch of France's fourth nuclear-armed submarine, Mr Sarkozy said his nation had to face new security threats, including Iran, and needed to be able to strike back forcefully if attacked.

"Everyone must be aware today that even far-flung powers' nuclear missiles can reach Europe in less than half an hour," he said in a speech in Cherbourg.

While only major powers had such means today, countries in Asia and the Middle East were conducting a "forced march" to acquire such ballistic missile capabilities, he added.

Iran is increasing the range of its missiles while grave suspicions hang over its nuclear programme. Europe's security is at stake
French president Nicolas Sarkozy

"I am thinking in particular of Iran. Iran is increasing the range of its missiles while grave suspicions hang over its nuclear programme. Europe's security is at stake," he said.

Mr Sarkozy pledged to keep tight control of spending on France's nuclear deterrent, which he said matched the equivalent of half the national justice or transport budgets and said the atomic arsenal would be kept to the strict minimum necessary.

He said the airborne nuclear strike force would be cut by a third, leaving France with fewer than 300 warheads. "That is half the maximum number of warheads we had during the Cold War," he said.

"In the face of proliferation, the international community must be united, the international community must be resolute. Because we want peace, we must be without weakness with those who violate international norms," Mr Sarkozy said in a thinly veiled reference to Iran.

"Maintaining the competences necessary to dissuasion at the highest level is a fundamental objective for our security," he said. "All those who threaten to attack our vital interests would expose themselves to a severe riposte by France."

Mr Sarkozy proposed measures to limit nuclear stockpiles and put an end to weapons testing after his predecessor Jacques Chirac sparked international outrage by testing arms in the south Pacific shortly after his 1995 election.

France has since signed and ratified the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and he called on other countries to do the same, including the United States and China. He also suggested setting further limits on proliferation.