1. Have the defendants proved that the plaintiff induced the third named defendant to evade his lawful obligation to pay tax by not availing of the tax amnesty?
If the answer is "No" proceed to question two.
If the answer is "Yes" proceed no further.
The jury answered "No".
2. Have the defendants proved that the plaintiff advised or encouraged other persons - being those referred to in the evidence - to evade tax?
If the answer is "No" proceed to question four to assess damages.
If the answer is "Yes" proceed to question three.
The jury answered "Yes".
3. In view of the finding to question 2, has the plaintiff's reputation suffered material injury by reason of the matters published relating to the third named defendant?
The jury answered "No".
4. If the answer to questions one and two is "No" assess damages. 5. If the answer to question one is "No" and questions two and three "Yes" assess damages to the material injury to the plaintiff's reputation.
The jury was asked to give a written answer to this question and replied "None".