The Taoiseach said he would be opposed to removing references to God in the presidential oath of office. "The Government has not considered that. I am not big into removing God from references anywhere, to be honest with you," said Mr Ahern.
The Taoiseach was replying to the Fine Gael leader, Mr John Bruton, who remarked: "I was wondering if the Progressive Democrats virus had caught."
On other recommendations made by the all-party committee on the Constitution relating to the Presidency, Mr Ahern said he would not support the proposal to reduce the age from 35 years to 18 years for eligibility to run in a presidential election.
On an honours system involving the President, Mr Ahern said he would support looking at the issue again, although he did not see why the Council of State should be enlarged for this purpose. The President usually took decisions based on the advice of the Executive.