Labour criticises attitude to mobile phone health risks

Labour has accused the Government of "a shocking dereliction of duty" in its attitude to the health risks posed by mobile phones…

Labour has accused the Government of "a shocking dereliction of duty" in its attitude to the health risks posed by mobile phones.

The party's communications spokesman, Mr Brian O'Shea, said the Minister of State for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Mr Noel Treacy, was taking "a grossly complacent attitude", by saying on RTE's Questions & Answers programme that the Government would do nothing until "conclusive, incontrovertible proof" was available.

This incontrovertible proof could take a decade to become available and thousands of users could contract serious illnesses in the meantime. The industry should offer hands-free sets to mobile phone users and all new phones should be sold with hands-free sets, Mr O'Shea added.

Mr Frank Fahey, Minister of State for Health, said that they had to be vigilant about new technology. If conclusive evidence was found about the dangers of mobile phones, the Government would take remedial action.