Orangemen to hold first Dublin march since 1937

Orangemen are preparing to march in Dublin city for the first time in over 60 years.

Orangemen are preparing to march in Dublin city for the first time in over 60 years.

Around 300 members of Orange lodges from the Republic, the North, England and Scotland will parade down Dawson Street on May 28th to mark the bicentenary of the founding of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland.

Sinn Fein has said it will protest against the march which has the backing of the Dublin Lord Mayor, Ms Mary Freehill. She is to unveil a plaque on behalf of Dublin Corporation outside the building where the Orange Lodge first met in 1798.

"It's all about tolerance and openness," said Ms Freehill. "It's important that we cherish diversity, whether we are talking about refugees or the Orange Order."


But the Sinn Fein city councillor, Mr Larry O'Toole, said the Lord Mayor was in danger of being used in "a public relations trick".

"These are the same people who are laying siege on the Garvaghy Road, and to give them credence or credibility by having a march or holding a public ceremony in Dublin would be entirely wrong. It's like inviting the Ku-Klux-Klan to march in Alabama."

The parade, organised by the Dublin-Wicklow Orange Lodge, will go only a few hundred yards. It is due to start at the St Stephen's Green end of Dawson Street and travel as far as the former Orange Order headquarters - now the site of the Norwich Union building - where the plaque will be unveiled.

Mr Ian Cox, manager of the Dublin-Wicklow lodge, said it was aimed at showing people that "parades don't have to be controversial or end in riots". He said he had been in contact with the relevant authorities - the Garda and Dublin Corporation's traffic department - and "they were all very supportive".

The general secretary of the Orange Order, Mr George Patten, welcomed the receptive attitude of the Dublin authorities. "It's the way it should be. As an organisation, we believe very much in freedom of assembly."

Portadown Orange spokesman Mr David Jones said it was ironic a parade could be held in Dublin but not along Garvaghy Road in his home town. "I'd be interested to see whether a residents' association for Dawson Street will now be set up," he said.

Orange parades take place in Rossnowlagh, Co Donegal each year, but this is believed to be the first in Dublin since 1937.

Joe Humphreys

Joe Humphreys

Joe Humphreys is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times and writer of the Unthinkable philosophy column