NI inquest into journalist's death

An inquest into the death of Northern Ireland journalist Martin O'Hagan will be held next Tuesday.

An inquest into the death of Northern Ireland journalist Martin O'Hagan will be held next Tuesday.

Mr O'Hagan was shot dead by loyalist paramilitaries five years ago close to his home in Lurgan, Co Armagh, as he walked home from a pub with his wife, Marie.

Even though several people have been questioned, nobody has stood trial.

There have been claims that police at the time, September 2001, failed to charge anybody to protect informants working for Special Branch.


Gunmen linked to the Loyalist Volunteer Force are suspected of shooting him in the chest and stomach because of his investigative work for the tabloid Sunday Worldnewspaper.

Mr O'Hagan (51) had written extensively about their activities.

At the time his widow said: "He died because he repudiated and exposed terrorism from whatever quarter."

The inquest is due to be held at Armagh Courthouse.