Mugabe defeated on controversial election bill

Zimbabwe's opposition has blocked one of three controversial bills proposed by President Robert Mugabe as part of his March election…

Zimbabwe's opposition has blocked one of three controversial bills proposed by President Robert Mugabe as part of his March election strategy.

The bill was intended to ban the posting of election posters and leaflets without prior government permission and bar independent or foreign election monitors.

However, the government acted today to speed two other media and public order bills through parliament.

Critics fromt he opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) claim the bills are draconian and are aimed at boosting President Robert Mugabe's re-election bid in March.

Mr Robert Mugabe

Parliament is considering a media bill banning foreigners from working as correspondents in the country, and a public order and security bill that will give President Robert Mugabe's government sweeping powers to clamp down on the opposition.

The opposition MDC said it would oppose the motion, but it does not have enough votes in parliament to defeat it when the house reconvenes tomorrow.

The EU is threatening to impose sanctions on Mr Mugabe over his controversial land seizures, his drive against the media and the judiciary and his supporters' campaign of violence ahead of the presidential elections.

Mr Mugabe, 77, is facing a strong challenge from the opposition MDC in presidential elections set for March.

The MDC says militant supporters of Mr Mugabe’s ruling ZANU-PF party have stepped up a vicious drive against its supporters ahead of the vote in March and that 100 people have been killed since February 2000.

Britain said today it will push for Zimbabwe to be suspended from the Commonwealth if political violence in the country worsens.